Vegetarian Magic: Refuse To Exterminate Mice

Vegetarians don’t need mouse-traps; rodenticides; glue traps, snakes as pets to exterminate mice, pest-control services, nor extermination services because, most vegetarians don’t rely on them. However; some vegetarians often keep mice as companion animals at their own homes,–rather than rental homes. Most landlords often implement policies to keep pest-control services running. That literally infringes the vegetarian’s right to refuse to rely on these deceptive, and cruel services. Even a parent who has a child who is a vegetarian should NOT purchase pest-controlling services. For example: A mother of 5 children rents a house to leave the other city where mandatory pest-controlling services were set. The city has been petitioned to lift this mandatory policy. They asked the landlord why they’re vegetarian. However, the landlord prompted them to get special services enabled, or own a house someplace.

Some people were afraid of mice, but there’s ways to resolve fear of mice. Whether if you were a child, or parent… you can still overcome your fears. If you recently watched TV programs that feature fictional mice; you might need to find a book that is epic to mice,–not guides that teach you to exterminate mice. There are animal shelters available,–where you can take a look of mice in many types, or go to a relevant museum of natural history, or a mousery… if available.

The reason why you should NOt exterminate mice because, some of them are endangered species. There’s no such law that ban use of mouse-traps, and other pest-controlling services. Nor taxes has been imposed by taxing authorities to tax mouse-traps, and other pest-controlling services.

This is my story…

When I was a little boy, watching my favorite TV shows; I recently heard something suspicious in the large kitchen of the apartment building. I heard one mouse screeching in pain. In my opinion; my mother has been using these chemicals to exterminate one mouse that is trying to escape from the recycle bin that is next to the trash can… She used some oil, and some bleach,–along with some hot water to drown the little rodent.

My mother has placed a used newspaper over the opening of the recycle bin,–attempting to retain toxic gases inside the bin itself. All of that screaming from that bin has scared me, but I was shocked! Who in the right mind to teach a child how to exterminate mice? This is kind of cruel, and barberric! I can’t do a thing… my mother didn’t even educate me about mice, and other rodents.

In that recycle bin… that poor mouse has been burned alive. Sadly, my mother has prompted my BIG brother to check if the mouse has been killed,–after for some minutes.

So, he went to the kitchen, and he opened the bin. He told mom about these results,–telling her “the mouse is dead.” My big brother didn’t even report animal cruelty like he should do,–to place my mother behind bars for animal cruelty.

Mom kept using traps to kill off mice that don’t deserve to die! No action from my big brother has been established to resolve this issue.

I discovered my big brother has flushed the dead mouse down the toilet. All of these harsh chemicals can pollute our water system. This is kind of bad to me because, I will NEVER do the same thing what my mother, and my brother did to this animal.


I’m a vegetarian… and I’ll never use any mouse-trap under any circumstances. To me… mice are beautiful animals, and I respect them 24/7. That means; I’ll never pick up any trap at the store.

What You Should Do?

If You Were A Parent

Educate your children about mice, and other rodents. For example; video programs that are both animated, and live-recorded. Present your children some books about being respectful, and epic to mice. If your children is already educated about mice, reeducate your children with epic and respectful alternatives.

Contact your landlord,–if you rent a home to cancel pest-controlling services, and do get a refund. Tell him/her what’s exactly going on with your family. If you were a vegetarian, or you’re going vegetarian… Opt for special services,–which they don’t allow anyone to exterminate mice.

Take trips to animal shelters, or any place where they feature different types of mice. These places are available in your local city, or town.

If you were a home owner

Rodentproof your home. Vegan ways to rodentproof your home is available. Tutorials online will help you,–as long it’s vegan.

Don’t purchase any traps, and don’t subscribe to any extermination services.Other Actions You Can Take

Don’t attempt to exterminate mice to clean up your home, and clear away mice. Some people keep mice as companion animals.

Become a vegetarian, and leave meat off your plate.

Don’t own a snake.

Don’t participate in any sacrificial events that focus on killing mice,–claimed by any group that claim killing mice is a richual. But this is NOT a richual at all!

Do be nice to mice… that’s all.

Do find alternative cultural events where they respect mice as people,–or something similar. Religions that prohibit exterminating mice is NOT allowed are available.

Watch TV shows, and movies that feature mice via any kind.

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