Lacto Vegetarians & the Dairy Farm Issues

Some people who were lacto vegetarians aren’t sure if they’re getting dariy from a sustainable source, but they might experience a problem with consuming dairy,–due to brutal cruelty somewhere in the US. For example; a dairy farm in Ohio has been involved in beating cattle. However; some lacto vegetarians didn’t even understand… you must know where you’re getting your dairy from,–whether if you trusted a farm or not… But you have to do some extreme research where your store is getting dairy from. If you were going shopping for your dairy… watch out! There are some some labels that are misleading, claiming they arrived from a humane dairy farm someplace. Real dairy farms don’t use hormones, and they don’t cram cattle inside large buildings. And they also leave cattle in dirty conditions.

According to Mercy For Animals, an animal-rights organization has investigated dairy farms where workers beat cattle with pitch forks, shocking them with electric taser-like devices, and other cruel acts against their own animals. It may look like a traditional dairy farm as you pass them as you take a drive down the road. Turns out… it’s an industrialized dairy farm that is built like a factory farm. I believe many of their cows were dehorned, and have their tails chopped off,–all without any pain-killers!

Cows don’t need to be dehorned… they use their horms to help defend themselves from predatory animals, such as cougers… a pesky big cat that can cause a large loss of cattle, coyotes… common animal that can go after cattle, and other predators. Without their horns; they’re in danger of being attacked and killed by many predators. Cattle also use their horns to assist in steering. Some people use cattle as a mode of transportation to travel from one place to the another. For example; people in some countries ride cattle instead of horses. When their horns were left intact; they can balance their heads to a balanced position. Oxen are the known working cattle that used their horns to guide objects on wheels. There are some cattle that are bred without horns.

Running a dairy farm is kind of difficult. And an average time on most dairy farms are slow. Not fast.

Manure, and other waste generated from cattle is common. Although; many calves has been ripped away from their mother’s sides,–so people can consume the cow’s milk instead,–all without giving the calves a chance to consume their mother’s milk as their first priority! Not even one cow is set aside to take a break from being a dairy cow, or exercise with other cows in their herd. Forcing a cow to produce milk after their calves are born doesn’t just cause issues with our dairy system; it also cause these farmers to sell their male calves to be slaughtered for veal. Maybe they don’t want to keep their male calves… If I were a farmer; I will not force a cow to produce milk for people around the world. Instead; I’ll plant crops instead as a majority. And keep only 10 cows that wanted to be selected for milk production. Not all at once, but only 1 cow, then the another one during the next year. However;taxes will be placed against dairy products.

Many of these lacto vegetarians has asked these following questions about where did they get their dairy products from. And they didn’t even known about our recent issue with our dairy system.

What You Should Do

By the next time if you were consuming dairy (applies to lacto vegetarians); research where your source if dairy is coming from. You can always implement a vegan backup,–if the problem still reproduces.

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