What If Cattle Farms Has Been Wiped Out… And What To Do?

Cattle are smart, and gentle animals towards humans. However, some dairy farms has been wiped out by a powerful blizzard, or a virus that caused all of cattle to die out. If cattle farms has been wiped out, and dairy costs go up, most likely we’ll miss out on these popular dairy products. Going vegan is the only way to spare cattle from being abused.

If all of the cattle farms has been wiped out by a powerful blizzard, or a powerful virus, I’ll go vegan altogether, but I’ll still consume seafood. However, I’ll add more vegan products, and support the growing vegan market.

What if the cattle farm has been wiped out in your local town, state, or country

Blizzards, viruses, earthquakes, or other factors can wipe cattle farms clean!

If the cattle farm has been wiped out of our local town, state, or country, we will have trouble finding a reputable dairy farm. It’s a good news for some vegetarians, but it’s bad news for lacto vegetarians who care about the dairy industry. Lacto vegetarians must find an alternative sources of dairy, or find a different animal that can be used for dairy. For example; a rabbit that yields enough milk to produce cheese, but that requires strategic farming, breeding, and caring for these rabbits on a farm. It takes generations, love, care, and time. Usually farms are quiet with few animals. If you only have few animals, you will only chern out a small amount from these rabbits, and we’ll mention this later in this article.

Many people have these following questions:

  • Why our local dairy has been wiped out by a virus, and where I should find an alternative source of dairy?
  • There’s a timed ban that prohibits me from starting a cattle farm for dairy?
  • Why there’s an “emergency vegan store” running in our local town?
  • My cattle died on the start of dawn, or evening! Now what?
  • Goats are only available as dairy animals, but I don’t have any requirements for running a goat dairy. What to do with all of the dead cattle?
  • Buying cattle is extremely expensive, and my dairy is going bankrupt… what to do?

If you answered all of these questions above, you are most likely to go vegan, or find the another source of dairy. There are other animals can be used as dairy animals. But some animals can be replacements for cattle farms, and some animals can be small and portable,–making indoor/outdoor dairy farms possible. But the catch is: dairy animals release CO2, and warm up our planet.

On some parts of a world, cattle farms are banned because, they don’t want their places susceptible to damage by global warming to occur.

Here are other animals may be used for dairy, but in the future, dairy farms may be out of our society:


Camels can handle the heat in the desert. And unlike cattle, they can withstand heat, conserve water inside their bodies, can fast for a week or so, and they can drink lots of water, and what’s special about these animals, you can ride them via a long journey from one place to the another. For example; you can ride a camel via a long distance to any place, but stops for food is required to keep your animal fueled up. A long relaxing ride can be ideal for trail trips.

You can use camel manure as fuel for the fire in your steam boiler, power plant, steam ship, steam cars, steam trains, wood-burning stoves, solid fuel furnaces for heating homes, steam trucks, steam trams, steam rollers, etc. If you replaced coal with camel manure, that is more than enough to make coal mines go bankrupt.


Most donkeys are working animals, but there is no record of a donkey dairy at this time. And I haven’t heard of the donkey dairy. But donkeys are rarely milked for making cheese, or something.


Goats are smaller than cattle, and they can take less room and unlike cattle, you don’t need to have that much land, and they can be portable dairy animals. They don’t puff out as much CO2 as cattle, but you need to care for these animals. Since they’re small enough… they can be pets too, and you can raise goats as therapy animals if you want to. Goat cheese is lower in fat than traditional cheese made via cow’s milk. And most importantly, you don’t need to pick up as much manure.

Like camel, you still need to manage manure. The best way to manage manure is by selling it as fuel for power companies. If you sold 1 ton of fuel each day, and you doubled recycling manure as fuel, it can take some time for a power company to use manure to replace coal, and as we mentioned earlier with camel manure, a coal business may go bankrupt.

You can replace cattle with goats as an upgrade, or you can phase out dairy, and keep goats as pets for your children, and sell the manure as fuel for power companies.


Rabbits are small mammals, but there wasn’t a record of a farm starting a rabbit dairy, but it takes some effort, and some generations for upgrades to be possible for our society. If you already had a rabbit farm, and you are phasing out production of meat, and fur, you can convert your rabbit farm into a rabbit dairy, and it may take some years or so to introduce a new kind of a dairy. As I stumbled upon a video on YouTube, I watched a video about a person converting rabbit milk into cheese, maybe rabbit milk has a high fat content. But this is new to me. If a rabbit is large enough, it can yield more milk. And that also requires strategic breeding, and strategic caring of these animals.

What is like to have dairy rabbits instead of cattle?

If we started a rabbit dairy, that can rival a cattle farm where dairy cattle is used for dairy. Rabbits don’t take as much space as cattle. You can have a large farm inside/outside, and you can implement a milking station, a manure dump station for converting manure into fuel for the power company.

If you can compare it to a cattle farm, you can offset CO2 by 75%, and you can reduce water usage by 88%, That applies to using water from the well.

If rabbits has replaced cattle that are wiped out from our local dairy farm, that can be an alternative source of dairy, and someday, your rabbit will be a replacement for your cow.

If we stopped eating rabbit meat, and we withheld fur production on our rabbit farms, that can be easy for some vegetarians. If you had an intact doe rabbit strategically fed, and vaccinated against viruses, your doe rabbit can be used for milk, but you should avoid repeating a cycle with a same doe rabbit,–just like the same way how cows were treated. You need to enable the doe rabbit to reset for a while. If you have unused rabbits on your dairy farm, you can get them spayed,–so they can be adopted by new owners, or new keepers. For example: you had an unused doe rabbit who is taking a break from being a dairy rabbit, you are about to use her for the next cycle… you decided to get her spayed, so she can be adopted by new people. You always keep your rabbit farm for dairy small, and you have enough people to manage manure via an hourly wage,–not quantity. You prefer high quality products via a low stock, but you offered a subscription to buyers who buy your products to supply stores for lacto vegetarians in your local town.


Like goats, and rabbits, they don’t take up space, but the catch is: wolves prey upon sheep, eating them as their stew when unprotected!

There are already sheep farms around the world, but they’re only raised for wool, and sometimes milk. If you raise sheep both for milk, and wool, you can have both products, but you need to have responsibility with your animals. And they need lots of space to freely roam in your field, but you need to wolfproof your farm with cameras, alarms, and staff, and it costs money, it won’t be easy to get dairy from sheep because, these sources can be difficult to explore in some countries.

If you are a lacto vegetarian, you need to go vegan, and think about ways to live without dairy, dairy-free products are available at your local store, or cafe, ask for a vegan meal.

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